
Manages form controls.

The forms are aims to rethink elegantly creation of forms by transforming each field into its own model, with its own methods and attributes. This means that you can do this sort of stuff

  ->rules(['name' => 'required'])





Every time you call a method that doesn't actually exist, Form assumes you're trying to set an attribute and creates it magically. That's why you can do in the above example ->rows(10) ; in case you want to set attributes that contain dashes, just replace them by underscores : - >data_foo('bar') equals data-foo="bar". Now of course in case you want to set an attribute that actually contains an underscore you can always use the fallback method setAttribute('data_foo', 'bar'). You're welcome.


Core Concept

Form is to be used as a View helper – meaning it provides for you a class that you can use directly in your views to output HTML code.

<?= Form::open()->method('GET') ?>
    <?= Form::text('name')->required() ?>
<?= Form::close() ?>

If you're using Twig or other more closed view templating systems, you can still use Form's classes outside

$form = (string)Form::open()->method('GET');
    $form .= Form::text('name')->required();
$form .= Form::close();


Out-of-the-box integration to Bootstrap and Foundation

Form recognizes when a horizontal or vertical form is created, and goes the extra mile of wrapping each field in a control group, all behind the scenes. That means that when you type this

Form::select('clients')->options($clients, 2)
  ->help('Pick some dude')

What you actually get is the following output (with Bootstrap)

<div class="control-group warning">
  <label for="clients" class="control-label">Clients</label>
  <div class="controls">
    <select id="clients" name="clients">
      <option value="0">Mickael</option>
      <option value="1">Joseph</option>
      <option value="2" selected="selected">Patrick</option>
    <span class="help-inline">Pick some dude</span>

By default Form will use Twitter Bootstrap for its syntax but you can select which framework to use with the method Form::framework(). For the moment Form supports 'TwitterBootstrap', 'ZurbFoundation' and 'Nude' (for no framework).

// Turn off Bootstrap syntax

// Turn it on again (MAKE UP YOUR MIND JEEZ)

Here is an example of code for Foundation




<div class="error">
  <label for="foo">Foo</label>
  <input class="four" type="text" name="foo" id="foo">

Custom Framework

You may also implement your own framework/way of doing this by setting a custom class for Form::framework()

// Custom framework

Ties-in with Laravel's Validator

A lot of clutter removed by not having to call the lenghty Form::control_group() function.

You woudl not need to manually validate my form and su.

Enters Form's magic helper withErrors; wraps fields into control groups, it goes the distance, and gently check the Message object for any errors that field might have, and set that error as an ***.help-inline.

If your render a view on failed validation (no redirection)

if($validation->fails()) {
  return view('myview');

If your redirect on failed validation

if($validation->fails()) {
  return redirect('login')

In the last example you never actually call Form, be it in your controller or in your view.

That's because when Form opens a form on a page, it will automatically check in Session if there's not an object called errors and if there is, it will try to use it without requiring you to call anything.

You can disable Form's automatic errors fetching with the following option : Form::config('fetch_errors', false).


You can populate a form with value quite easily with the Form::populate function.

There is two ways to do that.

The first way is the usual passing of an array of values.

// Will populate the field 'name' with the value 'value'
Form::populate( array('name' => 'value') )

You can also populate a form by passing an Eloquent model to it, say you have a Client model.

Form::populate( Client::find(2) )

Form will recognize the model and populate the field with the model's attribute. If here per example our client has a name set to 'Foo' and a firstname set to 'Bar', Form will look for fields named 'name' and 'firstname' and fill them respectively with 'Foo' and 'Bar'.

Alternatively you can also populate a specific field after you've populated the whole form (for a relationship per example) by doing this


Form::populateField('client', $project->client->name)

For the rest of the form, filling fields is basically as easy as doing ->value('something'). To generate a list of options for a you call Form::select('foo')->options([array], [facultative: selected value]). You can also use the results from an Eloquent/Fluent query as options for a select. Form::select('foo')->fromQuery(Client::all(), 'name', 'id') Where the second argument is which attribute will be used for the option's text, and the third facultative argument is which attribute will be used for the option's value (defaults to the id attribute). Form also does some magic if none of those two arguments are specified. If you pass Eloquent models to Form and don't specify what is to be used as key or value. The Form will obtain the key by using Eloquent's get_key() method, and use any __toString() method binded to the model as raw value. class Client extends Eloquent { public static $key = 'code'; public function __toString() { return $this->name; } } Form::select('clients')->fromQuery(Client::all()); Is the same as doing this but you know, in less painful and DRYer. This will use each Client's default key, and output the Client's name as the option's label. <div class="control-group"> <label for="foo" class="control-label">Foo</label> <div class="controls"> <select id="foo" name="foo"> @foreach(Client::all() as $client) @if(Input::get('foo', Input::old('foo')) == $client->code) <option selected="selected" value="{{ $client->code }}">{{ $client->name }}</option> @else <option value="{{ $client->code }}">{{ $client->name }}</option> @endif @endforeach </select> </div> </div> Form is also able to populate fields with relationships. Now an example is worth a thousand words (excepted if, you know, your example is a thousand words long) Form::populate(Client::find(2)) // Will populate with $client->name Form::text('name') // Will populate with $client->store->name Form::text('') // You can go as deep as you need to Form::text('') // Will populate with the date from all of the client's reservations Form::select('') // Which is the same as this ^ Form::select('reservations')->fromQuery($client->reservations, 'date') // If you're using a text and not a select, instead of listing the // relationship's models as options, it wil concatenate them Form::text('') // Will display "name, name, name" // You can rename a field afterwards for easier Input handling Form::text('comment.title')->name('title') Datalists Datalists, allows people to get a choice or range of selections or input the selection that they desire. You can simply create a datalist as follows Form::text('clients')->useDatalist($clients) // Or use a Query object, same syntax than fromQuery() Form::text('projects')->useDatalist(Project::all(), 'name') You can also (if you need to) set a custom id on the created datalist by doing Form::text('foo')->list('myId')->useDatalist(). From there it will automatically generate the corresponding and link it by id to that field. The text input will get populated by the values in your array, while still letting people type whatever they would like. Live validation All modern browsers support instant validation via HTML attributes —there is no need for Javascript nor script nor polyfill. There are a few attributes that can allow you to conduct instant validation, pattern, required, max/min to name a few. When you validate your POST data with that little $rules array. You would be able to pass that array to your form and let it transcribe your rules into real-live validation Form::open()->rules(array( 'name' => 'required|max:20|alpha', 'age' => 'between:18,24', 'email' => 'email', 'show' => 'in:batman,spiderman', 'random' => 'match:/[a-zA-Z]+/', 'birthday' => 'before:1968-12-03', 'avatar' => 'image', )); The Form will look for fields that match the keys and apply the best it can those rules. <input name="name" type="text" required maxlength="20" pattern="[a-zA-Z]+" /> <input name="age" type="number" min="18" max="24" /> <input name="email" type="email" /> <input name="show" type="text" pattern="^(batman|spiderman)$" /> <input name="random" type="text" pattern="[a-zA-Z]+" /> <input name="birthday" type="date" max="1968-12-03" /> <input name="avatar" type="file" accept="image/jpeg,image/png,image/gif,image/bmp" /> Note that you can always add custom rules the way you'd add any attributes, since the pattern attribute uses a Regex. Form::number('age')->min(18) Form::text('client_code')->pattern('[a-z]{4}[0-9]{2}') Bootstrap recognizes live validation, if you type something that doesn't match the alpha pattern in your name field, it will automatically turn red just like when your control group is set to error. You can also, mid-course, manually set the state of a control group — that's a feature of course available only if you're using either Bootstrap or Foundation. You can use any of the control group states which include success, warning, error and info. Files handling In Form like in Laravel you can create a simple file field with Form::file. What's new, is you can also create a multiple files field by calling Form::files which which will generate .

One of the special method is the ->accept() with which you can do the following

// Use a shortcut (image, video or audio)

// Use an extension which will be converted to MIME by Laravel
Form::files('avatar')->accept('gif', 'jpg')

// Or directly use a MIME
Form::files('avatar')->accept('image/jpeg', 'image/png')

You can also set a maximum size easily by using either bits or bytes

Form::file('foo')->max(2, 'MB')
Form::file('foo')->max(400, 'Kb')
Form::file('foo')->max(1, 'TB')

This will create an hidden MAX_FILE_SIZE field with the correct value in bytes.

Checkboxes and Radios

With Form it's all a little easier to validate all the respective Checkboxes and radios.

// Create a one-off checkbox

// Create a one-off checkbox with a text, and check it
  ->text('YO CHECK THIS OUT')

// Create four related checkboxes
  ->checkboxes('first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth')

// Create related checkboxes, and inline them

// Everything that works on a checkbox also works on a radio element
  ->radios(array('label' => 'name', 'label' => 'name'))

// Stacked and inline can also be called as magic methods
Form::inline_checkboxes('foo')->checkboxes('foo', 'bar')
Form::stacked_radios('foo')->radios('foo', 'bar')

// Set which checkables are checked or not in one move
  ->checkboxes(0, 1, 2)
  ->check(array('level_0' => true, 'level_1' => false, 'level_2' => true))

// Fine tune checkable elements
    'label' => array('name' => 'foo', 'value' => 'bar', 'data-foo' => 'bar'),
    'label' => array('name' => 'foo', 'value' => 'bar', 'data-foo' => 'bar'),

Important point : The form gives you an option to force the pushing of checkboxes.

That's when your checkboxes still pop up in your POST data even when they're unchecked.

You can further change what value an unchecked checkbox possesses in the POST array via the unchecked_value option.

When creating checkables via the checkboxes/radios() method, by default for each checkable name attribute it will use the original name you specified and append it a number (here in our exemple it would be ). It also repopulates it, meaning a checked input will stay checked on submit.

Localization helpers

If you would want to work on multilingual projects, the Form is also capable of helping.

By default, when creating a field, if no label is specified the Form will use the field name by default. It will try and translate it automatically.

The same applied towards checkboxes labels, help texts and form legends.

This can be repreented through the following

// This
Form::text('name', __(''))
<legend>{{ __('validation.attributes.mylegend') }}</legend>

// Is the same as this

The Form will first try to translate the string in itself, ie my.text will return __('my.text') and if that fails, it will look for it in a fallback place.

You can further set the Form to look for translations by changing the following variable : Form::config('translate_from', [boolean]) (defaults to validation.attributes).

This must be an array.

Notes on setting field values

All the form classes encounter a problem at one point :

To populate your field, Form set the following priorities to found values

  1. The ->forceValue() method wins over everything – it's a special branch of ->value() created to force a value in a field no matter what happens

  2. Next is POST data – if a user just typed something in a field, chances are this is what they want to see in it next time

  3. Then any values set via Form::text()->populate(), so you can override any global population on a per-element basis.

  4. Then any values set via Form::populate() – that means that if you're editing something or are repopulating with some value, it can be overwritten with forceValue

  5. Finally the classic ->value() gets the least priority – it is created for minimum and default field values and thus gets overwritten by population and POST data

Anatomy of Form

Bare with me, there are a lot of classes but it all makes sense once you read what they do :

Form : The main class, mostly handles configuration and interactions between the form parts
FormServiceProvider : The Service Provider for Laravel 4
Helpers : A set of static helpers used troughout the library
Dispatch : Catches the call you do the Form facade and dispatches them to the right classes
LiveValidation : This Handles live validation of fields and translation of rules into attributes
Populator : A value container from which Form gets/sets the fields values
Checkable : Common methods and properties to radios and checkboxes
Field : Common methods and properties to all fields
FormObject : A base object extended by the traits above, handles dynamic attributes and stuff
Framework : Common methods and properties to all frameworks
Interfaces : Required methods by all fields an frameworks
Framework : These classes generate the right markup according to the framework in use
Form : All the classes underneath handle the actual markup and elements of a form
Actions : Handles the actions blocks where submit buttons and all are found
Elements : Various form elements that are neither fields nor actions (legends, etc)
Form : Handles the form opening and closing and the methods that go with it
Group : Wraps fields and provide field states, errors fetching and such
Fields : The field classes, each handle one kind of field. The names say it all
Facades : Various entry points that smooth out the experience across environments
Agnostic : The base facade used by Form outside of any framework
FormBuilder : Common methods and building blocks for all facades to use
Illuminate : The Laravel 4 facade, hooks up Form to the various components (localization etc)
LaravelThree : The Laravel 3 facade, hooks up Form to the various components (localization etc)
Legacy : A set of redirector classes that unify the interface between Laravel 3 and 4

Description of each method


This class is the main class - it is your interface for everything in Form.

Now of course, Form makes you interact with its subclasses which means you can not only use its methods but the methods of each class used by Form.


This is a set of options that can be set to modify Form's behavior.

Form::setOption('translate_from', [string]) ('validation.attributes')

By default Form tries to translate most labels, legends and help texts. For that it first tries to translate the string passed as is, and then it tries to look in a special place that can be defined with this variable - defaulting to 'validation.attributes.mykey'.

Form::setOption('required_class', [string]) ('required')

A class to add to fields that are set as required.

Form::setOption('default_form_type', [horizontal|vertical|inline|search]) ('horizontal')

By default when you call Form::open a fallback form type gets assigned to the form – this is the option that says which one is that type. It can be any of those values, or null if you want don't want to use Bootstrap's form classes.

Form::setOption('fetch_errors', [boolean]) (true)

Whenever you call the open method, if this option is set to true, Form will look into the Session array for a Message objects that would have been created by the ->with_errors() method of Redirect. Which means that if on failed validation you do Redirect::to()->with_errors(), Form will automatically fetch said errors and display them on the corresponding fields without having to type anything.

Form::setOption('automatic_label', [boolean]) (true)

Allows the user to turn on or off the automatic labeling feature. When it's on, if you give per example foo as a field name and no label, Form will assume foo is also to be used as label. Form will then attempt to translate it, capitalize it, and use it as label. With this option turned off, if no label is specific, no label tag will be printed out.

Form::setOption('live_validation', [boolean]) (true)

Whether Form should try to apply Laravel's Validator rules as live validation attributes.

Form::setOption('push_checkboxes', [boolean]) (true)

Whether checkboxes should always be present in the POST data, no matter if you checked them or not

Form::setOption('TwitterBootstrap3.labelWidths', array('large' => 2, 'small' => 3)) ?>

Set the Bootstrap label width for your form.



Populates the fields with an array of values or an Eloquent object.


If you have an $errors variable from a failed validation, the Form will automatically fetch it from Session and set the corresponding fields as incorrect and display the error message right next to them. This is if you're calling withErrors in your view. If you're in the controller, you can simply pass the $validator object to Form and it will work just the same.


Let you pass an array of Laravel rules to Form, to let it try and apply those rules live with HTML attributes such as pattern, maxlength, etc.


Select which CSS framework Form should use for its syntax – each gives you more or less access to the available methods. Per example you can't use Bootstrap's ->blockHelp method while using Zurb, etc.

$error = Form::getErrors([string])

This is equivalent to

$error = isset($errors) ? $errors->first('field') : null.

Form builders


This opens a Bootstrap legend> tag in your form – the string passed to Form can be a translation index since Form will attempt to translate it.


The open method mirrors Laravel's, which means you can refer to the doc for it on Laravel's website. But it also support the magic methods introduced by Bootstrapper for backward compatibility :


You can mix it up however you want as long as each block remain intact


This is pretty straightforward, simply prints out a tag. It contains no argument or anything.

Form::actions([string, ...])

Creates a

tag to wrap your submit/reset/back/etc buttons.

To output multiple buttons simply use multiple arguments

// Button class from Bootstrapper
Form::actions( Button::submit('Submit'), Button::reset('Reset') )

Field Builders

This is the one class you'll be using the two thirds of the time


This method analyze whatever unknown method you're trying to call and creates a field with it.

It decomposes it as [classes]_[field] or [field]. As classes you can call all Bootstrap classes working on fields : span1 to span12 and mini to xxlarge


This class is what you actually get when you create a field, which means the method listed underneath are only accessible as chained methods after a field was created.

// Here you're using Form

// Here you're actually using the Field class wrapped in Form

A Form class stops being a field the second that field is printed out.

$textField = Form::text('foo');

But can't do this

echo Form::text('foo')

Interactions with the attributes


Adds a class to the current field without overwriting any existing one.

This does differs front ->class() will — just like any attribute setter — overwrite any existing value


This forces the field value to a particular value, ignoring both POST data and Form::populate() values.


This sets a default value for a field — a text present in it but that will get overwritten by calls to Form::populate or POST data.


This sets the value of any attribute. Attributes containing dashes have to be replaced with an underscore, so that you'd call data_foo('bar') to set data-foo="bar".

Form::text('text')->setAttribute([string], [string])

This can be used as a fallback to the magic methods, if you really want to set an attribute that contains an underscore.

Form::text('foo')->setAttributes([associative array])

This code allows you to mass-set a couple of attributes with an array.

The following examples do the exact same thing.


Form::text('foo')->setAttributes(array( 'class' => 'foo', 'foo' => 'bar' ))

The second method is not the cleanest per say but it is still useful if you have to set the same attributes for a group of fields.

You can then just create an array with the attributes you want and assign it to each field in order to stay DRY.


This sets the label of a field to a string.

If you're using Bootstrap this would have a specific meaning, since the label that will be created will automatically have the class control-label.


This adds specified class attributes to the parent control-group.


$textField = Form::text('foo')->require()
$textField = $textField->isRequired() // Returns "true"

This checks if a field has been set to required, be it by yourself or when transposing Laravel rules.


The Checkable is a subset of Field.

This means all methods available with the Field are available with Checkable. The latter just offers a few more methods related to radios and checkboxes.


This would set the current radios and checkboxes as inline, or stacked (vertical)


If you're printing only a single checkbox/radio,

it's easier to use this method to set the text that will be appended to it.


Form::checkboxes('foo')->checkboxes('foo', 'bar')->check('foo_0')

Form::radios('foo')->checkboxes('foo', 'bar')->check(0)

The check method allows you to check a one-off checkable element, or to check one in a group of checkable elements.

For single elements you can just call check() without arguments – but when you're using a group you would need to specify which element is going to be checked.

This is done differently if you're creating radios or checkboxes.

This is because checkboxes can only be differentiated by their field name, while radio elements can only be differentiated by their value. The checkboxes you specify the name of the one you want to see checked, and for radios you specify its value.


Helpers and methods related to Bootstrap's control groups. If you set the $useBootstrap option to false earlier, this class is not accessible, nor are any of its methods.


This set the state of a control group to a particular Bootstrap class.


This further adds an inline/block help text to the current field.

Both can be called (meaning you can have both an inline and a block text) but can only be called once (which means if you call inlineHelp twice the latter will overwrite whatever you typed in the first one).

Form::text('foo')->append([string, ...])
Form::text('foo')->prepend([string, ...])

Prepends one or more icons/text/buttons to the current field. Those functions use func_get_args() so you can per example

Form::text('foo')->prepend('@', '$')


All classes related to Input-type fields.


Form::text('foo')->useDatalist([Query], [string], [string (id)])

Creates a tag and links it to the field in order to create a select/text mix.


All classes related to Select-type fields (select, multiselect, etc)

Form::select('foo')->options([array], [selected])

Populates a field with an array of options, where key will be the option's value and value will be its text. It sounds retarted explained like that but it means the following : Form::select('clients')->options(array( 1 => 'Max', 3 => 'Clémence', 12 => 'Jean Valjean' )); <select name="foo"> <option value="1">Max</option> <option value="3">Clémence</option> <option value="12">Jean Valjean</option> </select> Which looks really natural : you select a client's name and get it's ID in return. The second parameters allows to preselect one option, per example if in the above example we'd done ->options($clients, 3) then Clémence would have been selected. Form::select('foo')->select(3) Alias for ->value(), selects an option. Form::select('foo')->fromQuery([array], [string], [string (id)]) Populates a field with the results of a Fluent/Eloquent query. Second argument is the attribute used by Form for the options text, third argument is the attribute used by Form for the options value (defaults to the id attribute). Second argument defaults to the model's __toString() method, thirds defaults to the model's get_key() method.

Alternative use fromQuery for Form::select

Form::select('foo')->fromQuery([array], [callable], [array])


    function($model) {
        return $model->id . $model->name;//option text
    [//array option attributes
        'value' => 'id',
        'data-test' => function($model) {
            return $model->test_field;

Possible mixed use.

Form::select('foo')->placeholder('Select one option...')

Create a ghost option set as disabled by default to serve as placeholder for the select.